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component reliability中文是什么意思

用"component reliability"造句"component reliability"怎么读"component reliability" in a sentence


  • 元件可靠性


  • In the future of components reliability growth , the analysis technology of components quality and reliability must be integrated into the components design and manafacture process
  • Software component reliability , component - based software reliability , and software profile should be considered for assessing the reliability of this kind of component - based software systems
  • The complex system reliability mean and variance can be obtained based on component reliability information and the condition that the complex system can be decomposed into series or parallel systems
  • In regard to nonlinear stochastic optimization in which the restraint function was nonlinearly expressed with stochastic parameters , the advanced first - order second - moment method was employed to study the structural optimization numerical model based on component reliability or failure pattern reliability and the method to transform the problem of stochastic optimization to that of certain determinate optimization
  • This paper introduced principle of magnetism - photo optical - fiber electric current measurement system , and designs a digital magnetism - photo optical - fiber electric current meter . with the development of optical - fiber technology and electronic components reliability , the magnetism - photo electric current detection method will be used more widely
用"component reliability"造句  


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